
European Fly Fishing Association


Michael Salzer

Tying instructions


Use the beginning of the basic wrap as positioning - there should be enough space for the wing and some windings with the hackle. Place the basic wrap up to the hook bend. Integrate the starting piece of the thread as shown and leave it at the back.


Integrate some PP as wing material up to the above mentioned positioning. The PP should not be tied down further than halfway down the hook shank in order to have space for the tail material.


Position the Fox Squirrel with 3 loose wraps of tying thread. Take the back piece of tying thread in your right hand, pull towards the eye of the hook and divide the tail. Take the bobbin in your left hand and tie everything down properly. After a few tight wraps, the thread can be released in the right hand.


Grasp again and tie in Fox Squirrel up to the PP edge, cut off and tie off well. Strip the fibres of the CDC feather towards the tip and tie in the feather at the tip (when selecting the feather, make sure that the quill is not torn at all).


Pick up the CDC feather with a clip and twist it carefully. Better not too much and twist further after each winding. Now wrap the feather around the hook shank until it is "out". Secure, cut and tie off tightly.


Lift up the PP and divide the wing with figure of eight loops. Trimming the body. Tie in the black hackle. Bring the tying thread to the eye. Apply a little varnish to the whole construction and allow to dry.


Wrap the hackle tightly up to the eye, secure, cut off. Form a head and tie off the hackle properly. Finish the fly with the Whip Finisher. Cut the thread, varnish the head. The wings should reach over the hackles - cut off accordingly.

Material list

Tying thread: 6/0, orange
Hook: Dry fly hook, #10 - 18
Tail: Fox Squirrel Tail, natural
Body: CDC feather, light brown
Wing: Polypropylene PP, orange
Hackle: Black Rooster

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