Black Magic Variant
Tying instructions

Lay a basic wrap with the black tying thread and back towards the hook eye to create a rib.

Depending on the hook size, tie in 1-2 fibres of peacock herl. Let a small gap towards the hook eye.

Depending on the size of the hook, wrap the peacock herl around the hook 2-3 times and tie it off with the tying thread. Cut off the excess.

Select a suitable hen feather and pluck off all fibers on one side. Cut off the very thin front part of the feather tip.

Pluck off a few of the front fibers so that 2-3 mm of the quill is fully exposed and then tie it in between the hook eye and the thorax.

With 1-2 turns of the hen feather form a sparse hackle wreath and tie it off. Then form a small head with the tying thread and finish with a head knot.

Tying thread: | Tying thread black |
Hook: | Spider #10-18 |
Abdomen: | Tying thread black |
Rib: | Tying thread black |
Thorax: | peacock herl |
Hackle: | Hen grizzly |