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European Fly Fishing Association

Michael Salzer

Born in 1983

Fishing in any form was passed on to me by my father. Most recently it was fly fishing and I have stayed with it for about 10 years now. I started tying flies about half a year later. My home waters are the Schwechat in the Helenental and the Triesting near Weißenbach a. d. Triesting in Lower Austria. I also spend a few days each year fishing with my father on various waters in Austria. I love fishing with the dry fly.

When fishing I keep it like tying, I fish for everything that is considered catchable in my area and tie all kinds of patterns accordingly. A small perch from a Donau harbor pleases me just as much as a big grayling from the Enns. To give back a little bit, I am active as a warden at my home waters.

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