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European Fly Fishing Association

Uwe Rieder

Today we introduce EFFA- Master Flycasting Instructor, Uwe Rieder - A self-taught flycasting instructor with a lot of passion.

Uwe Rieder lives in Hallein, Austria, is 51 years old and a flyfishing guide by profession. He has been an EFFA member since its foundation in 2006 and is a member of the EFFA Flycasting Department. His home waters are the Alm and Laudach in Vorchdorf, Austria.
Uwe Rieder has fished exclusively with the fly since the age of 18. He made his first casts at Pillersee, exactly at May fly time. The success influenced him so much that he internalised fly fishing from then on and learned the art of fly fishing autodidactically with a lot of diligence and ambition. Today, as a Master Instructor, Uwe is one of the most experienced and best-known fly fishers in the world.
He discovered fly fishing with his childhood friend. "The grandiose thing about fly fishing is and remains the ability to catch a fish on sight with a good casting technique on the most beautiful waters in the world. The greater the challenge, the greater the attraction. And so it was no coincidence that Uwe was able to catch a huchen of 128 cm in length and 26 kg in weight on sight on the Mur in Austria in February 2010.
The interest in EFFA was aroused more than 20 years ago by old master Günter Feuerstein. The enthusiasm was so great that Uwe didn't have to think twice and became an EFFA member in no time. "It is much more than just a need to be in a club. Where fly fishers exchange ideas, maintain a communication platform and stand up for fly fishing, that needs to be supported." With its constant flow of information, the many events, its quality standards and last but not least the high requirements for the examinations (Basic Instructor and Master Instructor), the EFFA has enormous potential. Last but not least, an association that not only brings together and unites, but also trains and teaches.
We asked Uwe why fly fishing has been so trendy for a few years. He didn't have to think long. "Fly fishing is the most elegant and probably most beautiful way to catch a fish. The Formula 1 in angling. A technique that captivates every eye with its aesthetics and harmony. This sport is unparalleled and people like to "try it out" quickly. So it's no wonder that Uwe's casting courses are in great demand, even among beginners.
There are many things that speak for but also against our fishing waters - environmental protection, bird conservation, nature conservation, etc. Uwe does not see the development of the fish waters in Europe so well, first and foremost he sees the natural fish stocks in great danger. "It's bubbling up all over the place. Many waters are polluted or even in a desolate state. Just think of the constant obstructions, the bird predation, the otter problems and the laws that are out of touch with reality in some places. Something has to happen to protect our waters and to bring fish stocks back to normal. Many people talk about sustainable management, but they do very little about it.
Let's take a look at the countless beautiful waters in this world. Today we think of the Alm, Laudach or Steyer, in Upper Austria. Waters that, in their splendour and beauty, more than deserve to be protected. Fishing waters that we as fly fishers love and appreciate in this way.

Interview: Stefan Schramm

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