Fly Fishing Guide

European Fly Fishing Association

Fly Fishing Guide

The courses are given by certified / authorized EFFA guides, who are nominated by the Fly Fishing Department.

To be able to take the exam, the guide workshop must be completed in advance.

Only this way we can grant a final reliable certification as EFFA Fly Fishing Guide.

During the 4-day workshop, the participant will learn everything necessary to become a successful guide. However, good prior knowledge is necessary in: Swimming, comrade help, CPR, fly tying and fly casting. At the end of the workshop the participants prove their skills in a test.

The EFFA Fly Fishing Guide knows:

How to guide a group on flowing water or still water.
How to tie different fly patterns.
How to present the fly to the feeding fish. (requires intermediate/higher casting ability).
Where to find the fish (be able to read the water).
What the fish feed on and why (the food chain).
How to set up a camp.
How to use a GPS unit.
How to proceed in case of an accident (specific water rescue including CPR = cardiac massage).

Preparation course

The best starting point for a successful certification is a qualified preparation course. In your preparation, do not only put emphasis on the throwing training!


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