Single Hand Master Instructors

European Fly Fishing Association

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Single Hand Master Instructors

The certificate of the EFFA Master Flycasting Instructor identifies the holder as the highest qualified instructor - namely as a master. He fulfills the requirements demanded in the Master Test, usually trains all levels up to the prospective instructor and is allowed to act as a representative of the EFFA Flycasting Program.

id Surname First name Country
Andersson (Master h.c. SH & DH) Göran Sweden
Balassone Claudio Italy
Bruin de Bas Netherlands
Catellani Giacomo Italy
Fabisch Wolfgang Germany
Fairgrieve Eoin Master h.c. DH United Kingdom
Feuerstein Günter Switzerland
Fuchs Sepp Netherlands
Hebeisen Hans-Ruedi Switzerland
Hebeisen Heidi Switzerland
Kaaser Markus Austria
Morgan (Master h.c. SH) Hywel United Kingdom
Rieder Uwe Austria
Santagostino (Gaic-Apgai) Valerio Italy
Tyapkin Igor Russia
van Duijnhoven Rudy Netherlands
Verbeek Richard Sweden
Vinck Guido Belgium
Weilenmann Hans Netherlands

European Fly Fishing Association



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